Thursday, November 26, 2015

Rosenheim 4.3

So this last Pday we went out to the Dachau concentration camp. To be completely honest it was kind of sad and depressing. There was so much history where we were. It was a black chapter in the history of the world. It was hard to imagine what those people really went through. I also got the boy in striped pajamas and Anne Franks Diary in German. Too bad I can't read them while I'm on my mission.  Later that evening we went and did family home evening with our bishop and his family. I love them so much. He has the cutest kids and they are so fun to play with. They remind me of my nieces and nephews. I really love our bishop here. He is so great and we get along so well. 

Tuesday, we had our big Zone Conference. It was Stuttgart and München zones together so there were a ton of people there. We talked a lot about being exactly obedient and how that blesses us in missionary work. I know I'm not perfect but I felt like I was doing most of the stuff that was talked about pretty well. We also talked about becoming masters of the message that we share and President Kohler made a neat little program to help us achieve this. He wants us to know the lessons inside and out and have a scripture for each point of the lessons memorized by the end of the year. I'm so psyched for that. The München relief society made lunch for us which was nice. It was a ton of food. Then after we talked about a case study that we've been studying for the last couple weeks. It's about member missionary work and how we can become better at that. After the conference I was so pumped to go back to Rosenheim and ´start working with our members. It was such a good conference.

On Wednesday we did some more park bench contacting which is always fun. It was freezing cold where I was at because I was sitting in the shade so after a while I got up and moved into a sunny part of the park where I met a couple of nice guys. They were both named Hans. One of them we had actually met in a train, but he has some problems with marijuana... So we have to work around that whenever we seen him in Rosenheim. After that we had a lesson with Teddy, but right as we got let in the door Brajkovic called us and told us that he was waiting for us. He had gotten his times mixed up and thought that we had made an appointment an hour earlier. So we didn't really get to teach Teddy anything and we had to rush over to his house. His friend Rolf was there and we had a good lesson with them. Later we went to invite a less active to conference but we talked to her husband instead who doesn't want anything to do with the church. So that was a little bit awkward.

Thursday we went out and got my German license taken care of. So now I just have to wait a couple weeks while they check everything and make sure I'm good to go. It was a lot easier to get that than I though it would be. Germans here have to go through so much to get their licenses and I just had to go into the office for about five minutes and now I'm done. We also went by on an old investigator here in Rosenheim but he wasn't home. We've talked on the phone a ton and he's really nice. Plus he says that he believes in the Book of Mormon. Now I just need to meet with him. We had a lesson with Tony that night and we taught about tithing. His roommate was there and he ruined the whole lesson. He was saying that people misuse tithing money in the church and just had a big problem. Then he started bashing on the Book of Mormon, saying that it's only written for the Americans and that it discredits the bible and that we don't read the bible. It was a terrible lesson and at the end I just starting baring my testimony about it and it was really neat to see that the spirit had changed his heart. He got a lot quieter and you could really see that his heart had been changed. We weren't able to answer all of his questions, but I think we helped him understand some things.

Friday we did a lot of park contacting. It's so easy to get the people there. They were preparing for a festival of lights here in Rosenheim. We went by that evening and it was pretty lame. We went by on a couple people but they weren't home so we decided to drop by on Brajkovic. I'm really glad that we did that because we were able to ask him how his first day at work was. He loved it. They promoted him to shift leader and he got a raise. Connie was also there and she was acting like her happy self again. She decided to get back with Zvonimir. That night I got to hear her bare testimony and talk about the gospel. This is what I was used before the marriage problems. It was so great to see her like that again.

We went and taught Tony early on Saturday. We thought we were going to have to reteach the Book of Mormon because it seemed like he didn't understand. But he did. He said that he was getting sick of his roommate always bashing on the book of Mormon when we left. So he told him to stay and ask us all of his questions. Tony just sat back last time and let Fidelis (the roommate) ask all his questions. I was really worried about Tony not understanding anything that we had taught but he does. He was just letting his roommate get some questions answered. After we did some weekly planning then went to the church for the first session of conference. It was so great.

Sunday we spent the entire day at the church. I loved watching the apostles talk to us. Tony came to one of the sessions and brought a friend. They both loved it and Tony even recorded Elder Oaks talking. Haha, We also ate lunch with the Kainz and Lederer families. I got so many good notes and impressions out of this conference. I can't wait to apply the principles that I've learned.

So we pushed Tony's baptism back a week so that he can get more involved with the members and become better friends so we're planning on the 17th of October. This has been a busy week but I'm so grateful that I can be a missionary. I love the work here and I know that it is God's work. I hope you all have a wonderful week and can enjoy the blessings of the gospel.

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