Thursday, November 26, 2015

Farewell to Sister Timm

Well this week has been one for ups and downs. We've definitely been blessed by the Lord for what we've done.

On Tuesday it was the normal district meeting and then studies with a little bit of dooring. So that wasn't too special. The beginning of the week is always the slowest. 

Wednesday we went and got Elder Smith registered in Rosenheim so he can legally be a missionary. Then we went contacting in the city center. We both gave out books of Mormon and met some of the nicest people. It was good to actually be able to talk to people. Most of the time they just say they don't have time. But it's so special when someone stops and talks to you. It's even cooler when they accept a Book of Mormon and act interested. Later in the day we went out to Kiefersfelden and met with Walter. We had a really good lesson about repentance and the atonement and we were able to set a baptismal date with him for Oktober 10th!! He said that he knows he needs to get baptized and he just needs to prepare himself. Walter is the sickest. 

Thursday we had to go out to Traunstein for Sister Timm's funeral. There weren't a lot of people there so it was a good thing that we showed up. I was glad that I was able to say my last goodbyes to her. I really loved sister Timm. After that we had lunch at a restaurant by the cemetery. I was able to tell her daughter Micheala that she can always call us whenever she needs something. It's nice to be able to offer our service to people in need. We came back to Rosenheim and taught a lesson with David. We planned to teach about the plan of salvation but Elder Smith and I both felt like we needed to just read in the Book of Mormon with him. So that was a pretty good lesson. 

Friday we had weekly planning. I think all missionaries know how that goes. It's nice to have a good idea of what the week looks like and it's good to get excited about what you're doing. We went and taught Dominik later that evening and just reviewed about prophets and the book of Mormon and committed him to read from it. Then we stopped by Sister Popiel's house to see how she is doing. I love her. She's the spunkiest most excited less active that I've ever met. She's so excited to see the missionaries and talk with us. She said that she wants to come to church but her husband is worried about her going with being pregnant and all. So hopefully we'll be able to work something out.

Saturday.... We had nothing planned. So we just went dooring the entire day. That was exhausting. It was super hot during the day and then at night we just got poured on. So we were either wet from our sweat or from the rain. We talked to so many people and some of them were really mean and hostile to us. It would have been really easy to get discouraged but we kept going because we know that that's what we're supposed to do as missionaries. We felt good at the end of the day even though after eight hours of knocking on doors we only found one potential who wasn't really interested. 

Sunday we had Connie and David both show up to church. It was good to have them both there. It was a good experience for both of them. David really like sacrament meeting and Connie had a good time is Sunday School. Then after church President Dzierzon invited us over to his house for dinner. So we were able to go and spend time with his family and their cousin. He's a branch president in Northern Germany. He ended up driving us home and giving us a lot of advice. It was really good and now we have some great ideas to help get the work moving even more here in Rosenheim. 

We don't have any big plans for today. So we'll just be hanging out and cleaning the apartment. and making other miracles happen here in Rosenheim. I hope that you are all having a super week and remembering the Savior. I know that this is His true Church and that I am called as a missionary to help preach His gospel. I know that he is helping me to do this. The Church is True!!

Sunday we picked up David and walked with him to the church. It was a long walk and we were a little late but that's okay because we brought an investigator. He doesn't speak German so I was planning on Elder Smith to translate for him but then he got pulled away to translate for some other visitors. That meant that my three months of being in Germany was going to have to be able to translate all of Sacrament meeting. I was so nervous. I did alright with the first two speakers because they both weren't native German speakers so it was easy to understand them, but then Bishop started talking and he's from Austria. I couldn't understand anything he said so we was terrible. I got a phone call during church from Sister Timm's daughter informing me that Sister Timm had passed away the night before. I was so sad to hear that because she was the nicest old lady I've ever met. After church we came home and finally did weekly planning.

Things are going great here with my new companion. We're working hard and it's paying off. We're finding people to teach and it feels so good. I love being a missionary and I'm so grateful for that opportunity that I have. I know that this is the true church of god and that He has given us a plan and a way to return back to him. I love you all and hope you're doing great. Ich wünsche euch eine schöne Woche. Tschüß!!

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