Thursday, November 26, 2015

Meet Elder Smith

So here we come to the end of one transfer and I'm not longer a greenie. This new transfer will be a good one and so much has happened this week. It was kind of hectic.. We had to get Elder Rodgers all packed up and ready to go home and get the apartment ready for Elder Smith. My new companion is from American Fork, Utah. He is a big tall red head and is a pretty quiet guy. But he really knows his stuff and he has pretty good German. But we'll talk a little more about that later.

So Tuesday we had a sick district meeting. I talked about how you know if you are a successful missionary or not and I used the sickest German. I was pretty proud that I was able to say it, even though Elder Rodgers told me to say it. For those of you who speak German I said. "Nichtsdestoweniger muss man doch weiter gehen, obwohl es einem schwer fällt. Diesbezüglich gibt es ein Zitat von Winston Churchill und zwar "Wenn du durch die Hölle gehst, geh doch weiter."" Then all the dying missionaries talked about the five most important things they learned on their missions. It was just such a good meeting.

Wednesday we had lunch with Sisters Schrank and Damm. They made us some way good food and it was good for Elder Rodgers to get to say goodbye to them. The members here is this ward absolutely adored him. He was such a sweetheart and they loved inviting us over. After that we had to go home and start packing up his stuff. He got all of his stuff ready while I spent forever trying to write in his Tschüß book. It was so hard to see him packing up all of his stuff and getting ready to go home. We also got a visit from Frau Tina which is the Mission stalker but she is so nice and loves the missionaries. She gave me a tie and some picture books and she said her goodbyes to Elder Rodgers. She really loved him and he was her favorite. We talked with her for a little while and then went in to finish packing. We got everything done and finished and even went to bed on time. 

Thursday was a full day. I didn't want Elder Rodgers and I was joking around about making him miss his train so that he could stay with me for another transfer. But it didn't work. We rode out to München and got a couple pictures and then I had to head home with my new companion Elder Smith. We got back to Rosenheim and unpacked him. Then we went out to do a little contacting. Here's a cool little miracle we experienced. I got the feeling that we should walk through this park even though there wasn't really anybody else walking through but we went anyways. Then out of the blue one of our investigators rode up to us on his bike and started talking to us. His name is David and we got him as a referral about a month ago. We've been trying to get contact with him and set up an appointment forever and it's never worked. But we were able to set a time to meet on Saturday. He also came to church this week!! That was a miracle because we wouldn't of seen us if we hadn't gone into that almost empty park. 

Friday we doored a bit before our meeting with Brajkovic. We found a really nice lady and we're going back this week. We taught a lesson about forgiveness to Zvonimir and that went pretty good. He and Connie said some really good things in that lesson so we were hoping that things were getting better but they didn't come to church because they were having problems. Then I've been riding Elder Rodgers' bike this week because it's not as good as the other bike and the pedal had a crack in it. Well today it feel off. Our area is a pretty big area and you really need a bike for a lot of it so I've been riding my bike around with only one pedal. Hopefully we can get that fixed today. We ended up taking a train out to Bad Aibling that day so that we could meet with Dominik. We had an awesome lesson about the restoration.. He's doing alright but we found out that he's moving to another clinic at the end of the month. It's closer to München so it'll be easier for his mom to come visit so I guess that's good but he'll be out of our area.

Saturday we meet with David and that went really well. We just got to know him and find out what he's been taught by the other elders already. We invited him to come to church and he came. That was the best brother lesson I've ever had. Then we caught a train to meet with Walter in Kiefersfelden but he didn't answer. So we doored for a little bit while we waited for the next train back to Rosenheim. We were planning on doing weekly planning that night but we got a call from Bruder Madei saying that Sister Timm was sick in the hospital and wanted a blessing. So he came and picked us up and drove us all the way out to Traunstein. When we got there Sister Timm looked terrible. She couldn't talk and she looked like she was in pain. We gave her a blessing and it was a good experience for her daughter to see that. Afterwards Bruder Madei took us to get the best ice cream ever. I have to admit that it really was the best ice cream that I've ever tasted. 

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