Thursday, November 26, 2015


We have had a great week here in Rosenheim. I love it here, and the cooler weather has been so wonderful. Oktoberfest was amazing. I loved it. It was so much better than Herbstfest in Rosenheim. We went with the zone leaders, AP's and the sister training leaders. It was such a blast. There were so many people there and we met some members who were there for lunch with our stake president. I got to buy a cool little "wizard" hat. and an Oktoberfest pin for my collection. It was a great day. After that we went down to Fischbachau for Family Home Evening with the Dzierzon family. It was great. We got to share a really cool message about holding your light high, and how we can do that. That was our theme for the week and we used it in a few member appointments. 
Tuesday we had district meeting which took up most of the day, and our schnitzel night with the Schönwalds fell out. That was a bummer. So we ended up making a bunch of phone calls trying to get some appointments set up.
Wednesday, we met with Tony and talked to him about the law of Chastity. It was kind of a rough lesson because I've never taught that one before and I just didn't really know how to talk about it. I feel like everyone should just know it and live it. It makes so much sense. Luckily Tony is such a righteous person that he doesn't need to work on any of these kinds of commandments. Later that day we rode our bikes out to Stephanskirchen to go by on some less actives. We made contact with only one of them, and she said that she had taken her name off the church and doesn't want any contact from the church. It's really sad. Almost all of the less actives here don't want to see the missionaries at all and don't want anything to do with the church. We also accidentally doored into one of our members. So we were able to talk with here and get some information about more less actives in the area. Later that night we took a train to Oberaudorf where Schweinsteiger was born and raised. We did some dooring and then dropped by on some members.
Thursday, we had another lesson with Tony in the morning and then with Zvonimir right after that. It was good with Zvonimir because he get a job!! We were so excited for him. He has been looking for a job since I've gotten here. He said that prayers really are answered because this morning he was got down and prayed on his knees and now he got the job! We had a really good lesson with him. You can really tell that he's changing and bringing his life more in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's so amazing to see this change happening in him. Later that night we went to Bad Aibling to go by on some more less actives. When we got on the train we saw our bishop get on too, so we had him sit by us and it was good to have some time alone with him. We got to talk about a lot of good stuff. Sadly we didn't make any contact with any less actives. On the way back we did stop by on a member and we shared a nice little thought and she thanked us so much for doing that. She loved it. and it felt so good to invite the spirit and to share a spiritual message. 
Friday, we met with Tony again and he said that he wants to be baptized!! We have the date of October 10th with him. I'm so excited for him. He is practically already a member because he knows so much doctrine and has the most amazing faith in Christ. It will be so good for him. We spent the rest of the day walking around in Rosenheim trying to contact our less actives, but to no avail. It's so hard to get a hold of them. 
Saturday, we met with Tony and taught about the modern day prophets and apostles and he was way excited for General Conference. We showed him a video of Elder Holland giving a talk and he loved it! Later that day we did some weekly planning. 
Sunday we had tony come to church. He loved that as well. Then we were invited to the Jentzsch family. We had dinner there and played wizard extreme! 'Which is a way fun game. Then we were able to talk to them about helping us do missionary work. It was a good night. 

I love it here in Rosenheim. The work is great and I'm so excited for this next week. I know this church is true and that it is led by men called of God. I want to encourage all of you to get more involved in member missionary work. The members really are the key to missionary work. 

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