Thursday, November 26, 2015


Meine Gute we have been working up the miracles here in Rosenheim. I don't know what changed but people’s attitudes here are different and that work just decided to kick into high gear. 

So Monday we were walking around in Innenstadt and we had this French guy walk up to us and speak English with us. It turned out that he was kind of like a missionary too but for some strange Yoga thing. He talked and talked for a full hour. I don't know what he was able to talk that long and I don't remember anything that he said because he was talking to much with his think French accent. He ended up having us do some yoga with him right in the city center. It was so weird. and he had us meditate with him. I kept my eyes open the whole time because I was afraid that we were going to get pick-pocketed. When we finally left we called a former investigator trying to set up an appointment for some time in the week. But he wanted to meet that night and so we did. We talked with him for two hours. We were a bit skeptical but he liked us and said that he would love to meet with us and talk more about the gospel.

Tuesday we had district meeting and let’s just say that I had a nightmare trying to get us back to Rosenheim. So that took a long time. We finally got back and went to our lesson with David but he had been out the night before and was partying too hard so he didn't want to hear about the gospel today. So we sent up another time to come by. Then we finally got into an appointment with the Ojo family. They are less active and I've never been able to contact the husband until now. So we went over for our appointment and he had "forgotten about it and wasn't there." even though we heard him in there when we rang the doorbell. Oh well.

Wednesday we traveled a ton. We went down to Kiefersfelden to help Sis Morgner but we needed to leave and shower to get ready for an appointment with Walter, so when we told Sis Morgner that we couldn't stay for too long she got way upset and offended. Long story short be calmed her down and she tried to hurry and make lunch for us and made us miss our train. Then she just kept talking to us forever and we almost missed the other train going back to Rosenheim. We had to sprint the whole way from her house and we barely made it. So we quickly showered and got ready to go back to Kiefersfelden to meet with Walter but as we got to the Train station we found out that the train going down there wasn't going that hour and that we had a take a bus down there. So we hoped in the bus and it took us a little over an hour but we were still able to meet with Walter. We had a really good lesson with him and helped build his testimony of the BM. Then we had to catch another bus back to Rosenheim. So we spent about three hours just traveling that day. 

Thursday we went with David and Tony and in both lessons we told them that they need to read the book of Mormon and pray about it. It went really well with David but it'll be a lot harder to get David to make progress. Then we went back out to München to do exchanges. I brought Elder Lyman back to Rosenheim with me and we met with Zvonimir. We taught a little about repentance and then we found out that he got a phone call from someone saying that he's not welcome in the ward anymore and that people don't want him around. So now we have to deal with this problem. I wish people could be more Christlike. Afterwards Elder Lyman and I did some dooring and we followed up on this guy that we gave a BM to. He invited us in and we taught him a little bit about the BM and he'd read in it. We set up a return appointment. His name is Tedy Schönhaber. He is so nice and is really interested in the Church.

Friday I got Elder Smith back and as soon as we returned we biked out to Bad Aibling for Dominik. We found out that he gets to go on Vacation to Greece and then he's moving to a Klinik closer to München. We had a joint teach with him and Sis Weiß. It was way good and we talked about the P of S. 

Saturday was the start of Herbstfest here in Rosenheim. So we went to pick up a package for Elder Smith and on the way back we got cut off by a parade and there was no way around it. So we just got to watch that for about ten minutes. Then we did some weekly planning. It was so hard to stay focused because there were so many people in Lederhose going to the fest. 

Sunday we had Walter come to church with Bruder Hunger. That was good and we also had a member from Romania show up so we got to translate for him. Then we just had another random Romanian come show up. He just wanted to come to church so we sat down with him after and taught him a lesson. Then we came home and did studies. Later that night we tried to do some contacting but it was so hard. Every one in the city is going to Herbstfest to get drunk, or they're on their way home because they're so drunk that they can't drink anymore beer. That was a fun night.

As for today I get to dress up in my Lederhose and go be one with the people and enjoy the festivities!! I'll be sure to send you some pictures next week. I hope this week will be good for you all and that you can notice the blessings and miracles in your lives this week. Tschüß!

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